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Lets face it, times are tough right now, and small to medium size businesses are struggling to get every revenue dollar possible from their customer base, and every experienced business owner also knows that unless the customer knows you exist... you don't exist!


Marketing is the Key



The Internet Billboard
(Single Page Website)



Why Every Small Business Needs a Website


10 Reasons why you need one!

Your Competitor Has One
To stay on top of an ever-changing market, most small business owners try to keep tabs on their competitors. By doing so, they gain insight on market trends, come up with new strategies and stay up to date with what others offer. If your competitors have a website, it's a strong indication that you should too.

Instant Validity
As a customer you want to know the person you buy from is legitimate and runs a reputable business. A well designed website creates a feeling you're a legitimate company and leads to increased sales.


Stay Open 24/7/365!
While some small businesses are open 24 hours a day, most business hours are limited to a more traditional workday schedule. With a website, customers can view your products and services long after your normal operating hours.

Email - The Ultimate Contact and Networking Tool.
Has anyone ever asked for your company email address? Are you currently using a personal email address from your Internet service provider or a free email account like Yahoo for business contacts? You can raise the level of prestige and branding for your company with an email address that includes your company name or services. Personalized email accounts are always included when you set up a website.

Survey Your Audience
When a visitor enters your website, they're expressing an interest in your products, services or information. But how can you find out why they came or what they might have been looking for? To gain a better understanding of your customer base you can set up a survey to find out exactly what potential customers are most interested in and also learn what new trends or ideas are on the horizon.

Attract New Business through Search Engines
A large amount of research today is done online. By having your website listed on the top search engines, it can be listed under the results for any number of queries. For example, if you're selling sports equipment and someone searches for "basketballs," your site could be the first selection listed under the results. We build all of our sites with search in mind, and are partnered up with one of Wisconsin's biggest internet portals with over 4 million hits a month.

Give Detailed Contact Information to Prospective Clients
Anyone ever ask for directions to your business? Always telling people your hours or which product lines you carry? A website can deliver details about your business to anyone with an Internet connection. This frees up time to focus on business instead of answering frequently asked questions.

Interact with Customers
The best clients are repeat and referred customers. That said, there's no better way to keep customers coming back than keeping in touch with them. Through a website you can interact with clients via online newsletters, polls, chat rooms and special deals. When you keep in contact it shows customers you care, one of the best ways to keep them coming back.

Look Bigger Than You Really Are!
Even a one-person business can look like a multi-person or multi-department operation through a company website. A professional, well designed website presents a more appealing image than a larger competitor whose web presence appears weak or amateur.

Customers Expect It
In today's competitive business world, the Internet is the fastest growing source of information. Without a internet presence, your business risks never being found by prospective customers. If you are not on board, contact us to learn just how you can be.


This is an example of a feedback form that will allow your site visitors to request more information, send comments to you, or you can request information from them.



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